Monday, September 30, 2019

Distribution Of Mrsa And Mssa Health And Social Care Essay

Controling MRSA and MSSA remains a primary focal point of most hospital infection control plans, these pathogens now a job in infirmaries worldwide and progressively recovered from nursing places and the community. Bacterial strain typing distinguishes epidemiologically related or clonal isolates from unrelated isolates Strain word picture is indispensable in set uping the epidemiologic features of nosocomial infections and in planing effectual control methods Using a combination of several methods increases the specificity and sensitiveness of epidemiologic typewriting. The function of strain typing methods is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates are besides genetically related, stand foring the same strain. The consequences obtained by typing methods are besides supplying valuable cognition about the epidemiology of MRSA and MSSA and the relationship between genome content and virulency strains. To find the national prevalence and epidemiology of S. aureus and MRSA colonisation in several infirmaries and wellness attention centres. To find the prevalence of a MRSA colonisation and infection among the staff of whose covering with MRSA infections. To measure schemes to forestall recurrent MRSA infections and transmittal of MRSA in these infirmaries and wellness attention centres and close-contact scenes To measure the molecular features of epidemic MRSA strains including opposition mechanisms and virulency traits. To constructing a national library ( data base ) of MRSA strains to place familial forms or relationships among different types MRSA that could be used to inform bar and control schemes. To measure the efficaciousness of infection control†¦ †¦ .Methodology:Protocol design: The survey will be conducted in three stairss: ( I ) a local survey qualifying MRSA and MSSA isolates collected from infirmaries and wellness attention centres in coveted location, allowing the acknowledgment of the major MRSA and MSSA ringers ; ( two ) a countrywide survey of the spread of the major ringer ; ( three ) a worldwide survey comparing the features and familial content of the major pandemic MRSA and MSSA ringers found in this protocol with informations in the literature.4.2 Designation of isolatesNasal, pharynx swabs and blood will be obtained from representative staff and patients ( including bad patients in special-care units ( e.g. grownup, paediatric, and neonatal ICUs ; burn ; haemodialysis in add-on to outpatients from each infirmary and wellness centre included in this protocol. MRSA and MSSA designation will be performed by utilizing standard methods harmonizing to Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute recommendations ( CLSI. 2007 ) . Phenotypically confirmed isolates will be reconfirmed by sensing Sa442 and mecA DNA fragment for MSSA and MRSA severally by PCR, originally described by ( Martineau et al. , 1998 ) is a popular DNA mark for designation of S. aureus by PCR and will be used as a verification tool for all samples in this survey.4.3 Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestingAntibiograms will be determined by disc diffusion on Mueller-Hinton agar harmonizing to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ( NCCLS 2007 ) . The undermentioned antimicrobic agents will be included: penicillin, oxacillin, Garamycin, clindamycin, Erythrocin, Vancocin and daptomycin. ( These antibiotic can modified harmonizing different infirmaries and wellness centres demands )4.4 Genotypic analysis:4.4.1 DNA extraction:Genomic DNA will be extracted from staphylococcal positive civilizations by utilizing the undermentioned methods: a loop full of bacteriums is picked from home base and transferred to 1 milliliters PBS buffer and extractor at 14000rpm for 5 min. Supernatant is discarded and the pellet is re-suspension in 100 µl TE 10:1, this suspension will be boiled at 95C for 10 proceedingss and reassign straight to ice and 1ml of TE 10:1 will be added as concluding measure. The sensing of staphylococcal toxin cistrons: staphylococcal superantigen ( SAg ) Sequences specific for staphylococcal enterotoxin cistrons ( sea to see ) , the toxic daze syndrome toxin cistron ( tsst-1 ) , exfoliative toxin cistrons ( Basque Homeland and Freedom and etb ) and Panton-Valentine Leukocidin ( PVL ) cistrons ( lukS-PV-lukF-PV ) will be detected by PCR with the undermentioned conditions and primers: an initial denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 5 min followed by 35 rhythms of elaboration ( denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, tempering at 57 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, and extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 1 min ) , stoping with a concluding extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 7 min. ( This portion is non necessary†¦ †¦ .. )Detection of Antiseptic cistrons cistrons4.4.3 Determination of SCCmec type.Typing of the nomadic familial component ( SCCmec ) will be determined utilizing a antecedently published manifold PCR scheme that generated a specific elaboration form for each SCCmec structural type4.4.5 Multilocus sequence typing MLSTMRSA isolates will be genitically characterized by Multilocus sequence typewriting ( MLST ) , which is based on the sequence analysis of defined subdivisions of seven housekeeping cistrons. ( Sequencing of both DNA strands will be performed commercially ) . The allelomorphs at each of the seven housekeeping venues were identified by compa ring the sequences obtained from the trial isolates with sequences held in the MLST database ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . This database was besides used to place the allelomorphic profile and therefore the sequence type ( ST ) of each isolate. STs were assigned to clonal composites ( CCs ) utilizing the constellating algorithm eBURST ( based upon related sequence types ) ( Feil et al. , 2004 ; hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Using eBURST, isolates with specific STs are assigned to a peculiar CC if they are related to at least one other ST in that CC at six out of the seven MLST venue used. Isolates that do non portion allelomorphs at six of the seven MLST venue with any other ST in the MLST database are deemed singletons.4.4.6 spa typewriting:watering place typewriting will be performed as described by Shopsin et al. , 1999, this strategy relies on the polymorphism of the variable-number tandem repetition part of the spa cistron. Strains will be categorized as indistinguishable on the footing of an indistinguishable watering place type appellation ( Shopsin et al. , 1999 ) . PCR for elaboration of the S. aureus protein A ( watering place ) repetition part will be performed by utilizing this primer F: 5†²- TAA AGA CGA TCC TTC GGT GAG C -3 ‘ and R: 5'-CAG CAG TAG TGC CGT TTG CTT -3 ‘ With these PCR conditions: an initial denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 5 min followed by 35 rhythms of elaboration ( denaturation at 94 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, tempering at 57 & A ; deg ; C for 2 min, and extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 1 min ) , stoping with a concluding extension at 72 & A ; deg ; C for 7 min. ( O?O ­O?O §O ¬ O?O?O?USU„ ) PCR merchandises will be purified and sequenced. A spa type is deduced from the sequence and figure of spa repetitions, which are generated by point mutants and intra chromosomal recombination events. Mutant of a individual base brace consequences in a different watering place type. With the BURP algorithm ( Ridom GmbH ) , spa types were clustered into different groupsEfficacy of the Infection Control plan:The efficaciousness of the infection control will be evaluated by utilizing the standards listed in table 1, in add-on to proving the ability of this infection control plan to: Surveillance of hospital infection. Constitution and monitoring of policies and processs designed to forestall infection ( e.g. catheter attention policy, antibiotic policy and bactericidal policy ) . Probe of eruptions beginning and paths of transmittal.S.aureus surveillance:AS surveillance is a critically of import constituent of any infection control plan, the clinical microbiology research lab consequences obtained as portion of everyday clinical attention will be monitored leting sensing of any freshly emerging strain.Statistical analysis:Differences between groups will be assessed utilizing the qi square trial. P values of 0.05 will be considered statistically important. Eventuality tabular arraies will be used to compare the prevalence of a peculiar cistron type between clonal composites. Expected consequences: Strain typewriting is indispensable in set uping the epidemiologic features of nosocomial infections and in planing infection control methods. The function of strain typing methods is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates are besides genetically related or stand foring the same strain. Multilocus sequence typewriting ( MLST ) is a new molecular technique that was developed ab initio for S aureus. It is based on placing allelomorphs from DNA sequences of internal fragments of housekeeping cistrons. Multilocus sequence typewriting has been successfully used for the survey of molecular epidemiology and for the geographic expedition of the population construction and development of virulency of assorted bacterial species. Because there are many allelomorphs at each of the 7 venue, it is improbable to hold indistinguishable allelomorphic profiles by opportunity, and isolates with the same allelomorphic profile can be considered members of the same ringer. The major advantages of MLST are the ability to compare consequences obtained in different surveies via computerized databases on the Internet and the installation to readily compare sequence informations among research labs. The end of strain typing surveies is to find whether epidemiologically related isolates collected during an eruption of disease are genetically related and represent the same strain. The usage of strain typing consequences in infection control determinations is based on the undermentioned 3 premises: ( 1 ) isolates stand foring the eruption are recent offspring of a individual ( common ) precursor, ( 2 ) such isolates will hold the same genotype, and ( 3 ) epidemiologically unrelated isolates will hold different genotypes. Health centre A Health centre B Example of distribution of isolates within clonal composites. . MLST CC terminology was deduced from watering place CCs utilizing the Ridom SpaServer database. CC30 was overrepresented strains from Health centre B, CC8 was overrepresented among isolates from Health centre A, and CC5 included merely Health centre A. Example of eventuality tabular arraies will be used to compare the prevalences of a peculiar cistron type between clonal composites. Here merely agr and superantigens genens were included in this illustration and this tabular array applicable for all virulency cistrons. Example of MLST, SCCmec type, and staphylococcal toxin cistrons in MRSA isolates distributed among hdfjkfh

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Management Training Program in America

I want to use this opportunity to discuss two things, both near and dear to my heart; The United States Marine Corps and Management. Throughout this paper I want to focus on how I think civilians can learn to be better managers by using what that corps has established over it†s illustrious 223 years as the â€Å"Best Management-Training Program in America† Inc. (Freedman). The United States Marine Corps manages using a principle I learned in this course: Decentralization! Let me break this down. I learned it quite simply as the rule of three. But before I define this, I will briefly explain to you a small portion of the Marine rank structure. A Corporal is the first rank that an enlisted Marine is considered a leader due to his/her rank (though all Marines are trained to lead). The Corporal is the first of the Marine Non-commissioned Officers (NCO†S), then in ascending order is the Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, and so on. Now back to the rule of three. Each Marine has three responsibilities. In our organizational structure, a Corporal has a three-person fire team; a Sergeant has a squad of three fire teams; and a Staff Sergeant has a platoon of three squads; and so on, up to the Colonels and Generals. For the typical business, decentralizing and flattening organizational structure involves â€Å"gutting several layers of management, often leaving managers overwhelmed with as many as a dozen direct subordinates† (Freedman). In contrast, the Marine Corps has been able to push out authority but still maintain a â€Å"simple hierarchical structure designed to keep everyone†s job manageable† (Freedman). What at first glance may seem rigid or narrow, the many layers between the Private and Colonel lend opportunity for innovation. At the same time, even the lowest ranking Marine, the Private knows that he or she is expected to do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. An organization (civilian) may want to look at this a little further. We must have established managers, but the notion of delegation of authority should be expanded in the civilian world. Well considered delegation of authority not only lifts some pressure off the titled manager, but also gives some well-deserved leadership satisfaction to an employee who may never have had the chance to be a â€Å"manager†. The success of the Marine Corps Management strategy is apparent in the vast numbers of ex-Marines who hold the Chief Executive Officer, President, Vice President, Chairman, and Manager positions at all levels in top. Although exact statistics were not available at this writing, the extraordinary number of ex-Marine managers has been documented. Dillon and Macht, in their article, â€Å"The few, the Proud, the CEOs: Former grunts on the Marine Corps way of doing business,† elucidate the transition from dress blues to business suit. Phillip Rooney, vice chairman of ServiceMaster Co. and countless other ex-Marines, there is no better preparation for running a business than the intense training of the U. S. Marine Corps. â€Å"Nothing can quite compare with Marine Corps training and combat service to stretch your leadership skills in bringing people together to accomplish a mission† (Dillon and Macht) Another ex-Marine cited in Dillon and Macht, Quaker Oats CEO Robert Morrison, strengthens the case for the Marine Corps brand of decentralized management. â€Å"There were clear parameters that were instilled in everybody†s mind, but in an actual battle situation, within those parameters, people had incredible freedom to act. † Morrison has found the Marines† principle of decentralization â€Å"tremendously important in business. Management can instill principles and guidelines, but you can†t do people†s jobs for them† (Morrison). The organizational structure, which allows for freedom to act, while demanding personal responsibility to meet organizational goals, seems to be a ready formula for success. â€Å"What ever you environment is, it will change. In business it will change fast. You can learn to make quick decisions without all the information; you†re tolerant of those who make mistakes but intolerant of those who can†t act fast† (Caulfield). One Chicago job placement company, Hire Quality Inc. , specializes in placing honorably discharged military personnel and embraces the Marines â€Å"rule of three. â€Å"I have a chief operating officer reporting to me, he has three people reporting to him, and so on down the line† (Caulfield). A closer inspection of Marine management structure reveals flexibility in a defined structure. Innovation that is spawned at one level may travel both up through higher ups and down through the ranks. The Marine Corps also takes advantage of innovation from the civilian sector, by training officers on Wall Street to get a lesson in how to make fast decisions based on information flowing in through banks on monitors. The combination of strong management and training with attention towards evolving methods and technologies buttresses organizational structure, both military and civilian. No one argues that the Marine Corps way is the only successful strategy for business. However, in many time tested examples Managing from the Corps has proven successful. Further exploration can only benefit those of us that will be managing the next millennium.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Imagine you are a HR manager employing non-Chinese staff in the Essay

Imagine you are a HR manager employing non-Chinese staff in the People's Republic of China, how would you recruit and prepare - Essay Example Introduction In the recent years, China has been in focus for its astounding growth rate and future potential. The country has recorded high growth rate of up to 13% and the power that triggers this rate of growth is its vast and varied population. Today, there are about 1.3 billion people living in China of which about 38% reside in the coastal areas where most of the industries are located. Of these about 72% of the people fall within the working group and literacy rates among the Chinese is about 96%. Unemployment in China is at 9%. China capitalises on its immense human resource and this is why it attracts such huge foreign flow of capital. Despite such a glorious economy and strength of human capital, China is not free from problems. Its human resources pose the greatest problem despite being its strongest factor. The country is plagued by concerns like foreign exchange risks and financial and currency risks but of these, the human resources top the charts of concerns for China in the present and near future (Lubman, 2010). Figure: top concern for China at present and the coming 3 years (Source: Eusmecentre, 2012) The figure above shows the respective ranking of the topmost problems faced by China at present and also predicts the future ranking of these problems in the country. We observe that Human resource issues like availability of qualified employees are the biggest problem with companies in China, both domestic and international. The study also indicates that HR shall remain the topmost concern for China in the coming years as well. Problem The shortage of qualified staff has created an overheating in the Chinese labour market. There is a widespread lack of experienced and qualified employees. Adding to woes, employee turnover has become a critical problem that arises out of this shortage problem. In terms of statistical data, one out of every three employees runs a high risk of turnover in China. HR managers and executives have a critical concern of retaining their best talents. This number is almost double of what runs in other global markets. China’s employee situation has turned into a poachers den where existence and growth of foreign multinationals has generated a huge demand for talented, experience and qualified staff. In case of employee availability, the demand situation far exceeds the supply scene. The big fight persists among both domestic and foreign companies and this buyers market is plagued by presence of employees who always look for better options (Thomson, 2011). Most Chinese organizations try to combat the situation through an out paying strategy to attract talent into their companies. It has been realised that high pay attracts employees and what also acts as a catalyst to employee retention is strong employee development potential and attractive career paths. In China, candidates are attracted more towards job opportunities that promise a better pay. But with time, as the candidature shifts towards the younger generation, the demand for career opportunities that are differentiated and developmental opportunities tend to attract employees more. The general belief in most companies is that they need to design better pay packages so as to fight of poachers, or in other words, competing companies. However, it is wrong

Friday, September 27, 2019

Career Trends Assignment (Restaurant and Hospitality Management) Coursework

Career Trends Assignment (Restaurant and Hospitality Management) - Coursework Example (3) Social trends is another factor that affects career growth where fads and shifts in social philosophies outlines which industries are more or less demanding career-wise .(4) Population affects career trends given that people of different age, gender and, education have varying demand of goods and services. On this, people are able to outline what jobs falls on the path for them to satisfy their demands. (5) Politics and economic factors outline policies that direct the flow of goods and services in the market, and inflation factors that affect hiring rates. (6) Life roles apart from being employed people play other roles in life e.g. parenting, student, or childhood. How we think about them may influence how we look at careers in general and how we make choice in our lives (All Star Directories, 2011). The above factors are important in career trends, especially in the hospitality industry. Hospitality industry being a day-to-day industry requires skilled and trained personnel to be involved. Economic globalization in this industry, where people of different cultures need our services, provides room for career growth in linguistics. New technology brings about more skilled personnel to embrace it in the industry (Jitendra, 2008). It creates career growth for persons to take a career path in adapting the new technology in this industry. Demographic here means that more people will have high demand for our services. Social trends in philosophies influence peoples’ habits. It opens new doors, example on emphasis on living a healthy life or taking rest will make people look for hotels where these factors are essential. Careers will be open for people to learn on how the philosophies affect the industry (Jitendra, 2008). There are a number of career trends in the hotel with predictable outcomes. First is where employers are raising the educational bar. This has made many colleges that use

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Research project - Essay Example The methodology used in the study has included the designs, the participants, and the instruments. This study is therefore aimed at determining the drinks’ possible effects. It is also important to highlight that this paper has specified coherently the procedures and the results of the study. The study has been summarized with a clear conclusion (Miller 2011). Introduction Adolescence describes the teenage years between 13 and 19 years. Energy drinks are soft drinks that contain small percentage of alcoholic content (Miller 2011). . Hypothesis Adolescents that take much energy drinks have slower rate of growth if compared with the ones who do not take the energy drinks. Research question What is the effect of energy drinks on the rate of growth of the adolescents? Importance of the study It is fundamental to highlight there are various gaps that exist in this study. For instance, most researchers have always neglected researching on the adolescents and the youth plights. This is because that category of people does not always have an organized set up that can facilitate a study, they always want to be at the top and no piece of advice can be accorded to them due to heir arrogance and ignorance (Miller 2011). . Literature Review This research field of research has been explored by other researchers as well. There is a good number of literatures that has been done by researchers on the effect of the energy drinks on the health of adolescents. Dr Yifrah Kaminer, a professor of psychiatry and pediatrics did a study and wrote in one of his articles, on the potential negative effects of these drinks on the growth rate of adolescents. Dr. Kwabena Blankson, a U.S. Air Force major and an adolescent medicine specialist at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia, on his regard to the drinks said they possess a lot of caffeine and some additives we are oblivious of. One of his most contemporary article, pediatrics journal o utline the health hazard nature of the energy drinks on adolescents and gave the effects as; increased blood pressure, anxiety, problems in the digestive track, insomnia, and dehydration. This is because of the amount of caffeine that is not regulated by the companies that manufacture the products. The Medical Journal of Australia that was published in 2009 shows the health effects and the diseases related to consumption of caffeine (Miller 2011). . The Objectives The main objectives of this study are as follows. To determine the emotional and psychological impacts of additives in the energy drinks in the life of adolescents. To determine the solution for stunted growth in adolescents. To ascertain factors that result in stunted growth in the life adolescents. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This study will use different types of methodology to get the results. The following methodology will be used during this study. Research approach Deductive Approach Deductive approach to reasoning enables the researcher to analyze the facts and the test hypotheses from the more general level to more the specific level. This approach is normally known as top-down approach. What top-down approach means is that the researcher

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American Revolution Plutocaracy or Democracy in TOWARD AN AMERICAN Essay

American Revolution Plutocaracy or Democracy in TOWARD AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Essay Example He writes, "The reason for the Constitution was to empower people of property over common people. Indeed, our definition of self-government and freedom have become linked, if not equated, to the interests of the corporation." (ch. 3, 'A Great Compromise,' para. 4) It is a compelling book in the tradition of writers such as Howard Zinn and America's resident crank, Gore Vidal,(1) which should be read by every citizen in this country who thinks they know what the Constitution says, who wrote it and why. The Framers of the Constitution, as Fresia points out, would have likely agreed with an IBM ad quoted in the book: "The Constitution is a political work of art . . . and . . . It's also the most important contract of your life." (Ch 1, 3 Obstacles, 1st para.) Almost every man attending and contributing to the Constitutional Convention was wealthy in land and humans, i.e. slaves. As property owners, 'better people,' these men relied on real and implied contracts to protect what they owned. A government that could not provide such protection would be no government at all. to British entrepreneurs - Peers and Knights - the right to colonize and to make money from lands in the New World.(2) As Fresia makes clear throughout his book, this right to make money became a right to govern in the New World and eventually became justification for American landowners to sever ties with England and to create their own mercantile country. What thes What these men of wealth and property wished to establish was a legal system, a government that protected their wealth. They did not wish to be subject to the whims of, as Rufus King put it, ". . . the poor and illiterate." (ch. 3, Ratification, end of 1st para). Indeed, James Madison, the 'Father of the Constitution,' wrote: Landowners ought to have a share in the government, to support these valuable interests, and to balance and check the others. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. (Ch. 3, Checks & Balances, 2nd to last para.)What has escaped many people in their understanding and reverence of The Constitution is that it is a document which was designed to secure the rights of the wealthy, the better people, while shutting out those without property or wealth. At the Convention of 1787, Alexander Hamilton put it succinctly when he said, "Give therefore to the first class [rich and well-born] a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the Second."(2) What he meant by Second was the masses or, as he once called them, "a great beast." (Ch 1, para 6) Check the Balances Of significant influence on the Constitution and the men who wrote it were the political theories of British philosopher

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cause & Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cause & Effect - Essay Example In as much the Arab Spring has brought some impact into the governance system of many Islamic nations, it has failed in many ways to liberate the nations from authoritarianism and bad governance. According to The Economist (2014) Arab Spring has failed to liberate North African and Middle East states from totalitarianism, as many of the newly elected leaders follow the exact footsteps of their predecessors. It has led to the narrowing of the democratic state of the Islamic nations because the Islamic fundamentalists cannot tolerate dissenting opinions. Additionally, corruption and infringement of the rights of the citizens have since increased, especially in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Contrary to its intended mission of bringing peace and uniting all Muslims living in the Islamic States, the Arab Spring has ignited fresh conflicts and terrorism in such states. The effect of this is that more than 300,000 people have dies in Syria since 2011 when the war erupted. Sectarian interests have been the cornerstone behind numerous conflicts that have wreaked havoc in the Middle East with the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) gaining the impetus to fight the Jihad war in Iraq (The Economist, 2014). In conclusion, the Arab Spring has had many adverse effects in North African states and the Middle East States. The Arab revolution has had many spill-over effects with many terrorist groups gaining momentum from the conflicts. For example, Al Qaeda has expanded its territory to many parts of the Middle East with Iraq being the hot spot. In addition, the Arab Spring has brought more divisions and deaths due to civil wars and continuous terrorist attacks (The Economist, 2014). The Economist (2014). Tethered by history: The failures of the Arab spring were a long time in the making. Retrieved from

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Comparison of Two Top Selling Sales Contact Management Software Essay

The Comparison of Two Top Selling Sales Contact Management Software Company - Essay Example Every company is aiming for results and to be way ahead of its competitors. The company's goal upon buying contact management software is to efficiently manage large number of contact information as well as minimize cost by starting-up with low operations and training costs. Two of the top selling contact management software companies are ACT! by Sage Software Inc., and GoldMine Software UK. Over the years, it has always been an argument as to which company provides better products. These two companies have long been tough rivals in the contact management software world. Sage software has been developing automated support in business management for over 25 years. With a wide range of front office and back office solutions including accounting, human resources, payroll, fixed asset management, customer relationship management, and e-commerce software - Sage Software offers award-winning products and services that have revolutionized the way small and mid-sized companies do business in today's marketplace. (Company overview) Sage software is catering to the small scale business establishments with 25 employees or fewer and medium scale business establishments with over 500 employees in North America. Act! By Sage is the contact management solutions software which the Sage Compa... These are: Act!, which caters to companies with 1-10 users, Act! Premium for Work Groups, which provides for companies with 5-50 users, Act! Premium for Web, which can be accessed anytime, anywhere, ACT! for Palm OS and ACT! Link for Use with QuickBooks. Its latest version for ACT! Contact management is ACT! By Sage Version 8.0 which was launched in Manchester last December 13, 2005 (Onsite Marketing Solution). This version allows the company to use its built-in sales process system or customize its own system to track down, monitor and maintain the customer relationship and communication as well as the accuracy of sales forecasting and trends. With the use of this system, companies can analyze the trends of sale and profile of their customers thus, making it easy for them to plan an effective marketing and sale campaign. Through this system, communications from customers such as mail shots, letters and meetings are easily tracked down. GoldMine Software Corp. GoldMine Software company is a private company founded in 1989 by president Elan Susser and executive vice president Jon V. Ferrara. (Schupbach et al, 1999) The company was first known to be Elan Software but sometime later, the company changed its name to GoldMine Software and then after a merger with Ben Data, which owned the HEAT products, ultimately became FrontRange Solutions. (2003) The first ever designed software for GoldMine was Business Contact Manager. This software is designed for Insurance, Legal Services, Real Estate, Engineering, Government or other leading professions of small scale and medium scale business firms and the mid-market. GoldMine Software assures a fast return on investment and low operational cost but provides a wide range of easy to implement

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marketing and Stakeholders in the Food Industry Assignment

Marketing and Stakeholders in the Food Industry - Assignment Example In addition, the work finds out the various aspects of the marketing concept and illustrates how the marketing concept can be useful for the growth and development of an organization. Lastly, the work identifies the various stakeholders of McDonalds and suggests effective ways of communication that will satisfy each group. In general terms, the concept of marketing claims that in order to gain organisational goals, it is necessary to understand the needs and wants of the target market and deliver the required level of satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors. Thus one can say that under marketing concept, it is more important to sell satisfaction than to sell product (Jain, 2006-07, pp. 292-293). According to AMA definition, â€Å"Marketing† is â€Å"the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that will satisfy individual and organisational objectives† (Shah & D’Souza, 2009, p. 8). Marketing concept and other business philosophies An analysis of the marketing concept proves that it does not focus on maximising profit through increased sales volume. Instead, it gains profit through increased satisfaction of customers. Thus, in the marketing concept, customer is the central figure around which all marketing activities take place. In essence, it becomes necessary to identify the target customers, develop an understanding with them, understand their demands, and provide services and goods to their satisfaction. One can summarise the components of marketing as satisfaction of customers, integration of various marketing activities, and good sales volume (Moore, et al. 2006, p. 142). This concept of marketing is different from the concepts of production, product, selling and holistic marketing. The selling concept was in vogue before the introduction of the marketing concept that is, during 1950s and 1960s. In this concept, the co mpany mainly aims to sell a product to the maximum and gives little attention to the precise requirements of the customers (Kuratko, 2008, p. 359). In that case, the company continues selling a product adopting various promotion schemes. In other words, the company focuses mainly on selling methods to attain maximum profit (Ibid). Yet another important concept is product concept. It focuses primarily on the quality of the product. In other words, a company gives maximum attention to the quality of its product on the belief that as far as the product is of high quality, consumers will be attracted to the product. Similarly, companies used to adopt the concept of production until 1950s. It claims that when a product or service is in maximum demand in the marketplace, the company should focus on producing that product or service as much as possible. An important part of marketing is marketing research. It becomes necessary for all companies to research their market in order to set thei r direction initially and to assess their performance thereafter. There are various sources to collect marketing information. Some primary sources are customers, dealers, and salesmen. As customers are the people who use the product, they are the best source of information regarding the quality of the product in terms of price, packaging, availability, design etc. similarly, dealers are capable of offering some useful information regarding the customer response to the products. In addition, they will be able to offer vital information regar

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Person-Centred Therapy Essay Example for Free

The Person-Centred Therapy Essay For the purpose of this essay, I will be attempting to show an understanding of hypnosis, and describe the psychological and physical aspects of hypnosis. I will also be discussing the role of relaxation in hypnotherapy. I will be using information learned from my course hand outs, and from the year one book list. Hypnosis has been used by different cultures and religions around the globe for thousands of years, including the Australian Aborigines, North American Indians, the Hindu culture, the Chinese and even further back to the ancient Egyptians. In more modern times, hypnotism has been used as a form of entertainment, watched by â€Å"live show† audiences, and later on, TV shows, creating curiosity and fascination for many. It is this lighter area of hypnosis which has possibly contributed to the stigma which can surround hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The term â€Å"hypnosis† derives from the Greek word Hypnos, which means sleep, the words â€Å"hypnosis and â€Å"hypnotism† derive from the term â€Å"neuro-hypnotism† which means (nervous sleep). It is known that the Aborigines used a form of hypnosis to achieve their â€Å"Dream Time†, (altered state of consciousness and out of body experiences) which is still practiced to this day. The Chinese use a hypnotic like trance called â€Å"Oigong† (exorcise of vital energy) within their healing system. It is estimated that approximately five per cent of the population of China practice this type of hypnosis, making this the most common type of hypnosis practiced in the world. However, although practitioners of , â€Å"Oigong† believe it increases mental and physical energy, some Chinese mental health officials believe there to be some harmful side effects, and would like to see the practice banned. Given the huge diverse applications for which hypnosis is used, for example, religious practices, healing, and physical and mental energizing, it is clear to see that hypnosis within entertainment, â€Å"the stage hypnotist† has but a small role to play within a vast and complex discipline. Hypnosis is â€Å"a special psychological state with certain physiological attributes,  resembling sleep only superficially and marked by a functioning of the ind ividual at a level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state†, not asleep, yet not awake. There are different theories suggesting that hypnosis is a â€Å"mental state† and another that hypnosis is linked to â€Å"imaginative role-enactment†. People under hypnosis are believed to have a heightened sense of focus and concentration, enabling them to concentrate intensely on a thought or a memory. It is at this point of focus and concentration when the person is able to change their thought process through suggestion. The level of concentration allows the person to block out all exterior noises, distractions and other thoughts. Hypnosis is achieved by using a hypnotist, using a procedure known as â€Å"hypnotic induction†. Hypnosis can also be self-induced, which can be achieved by â€Å"self-suggestion† or â€Å"auto-suggestion† Hypnotic induction uses a series of suggestions and instructions, which takes the person through a process of â€Å"Progressive Muscle Relaxation† or â€Å"PMR†. â€Å"PMR† should be delivered using a much slower than normal speaking speed. By slowing down the speaking speed, the recipient will feel more relaxed, and will be able to enjoy the process. There are four main types of brain wave, which lead to differing stages of relaxation. 1/Beta Waves, (15 to 40 cycles per second) This is considered to be the normal functioning level, during conversation. 2/Alpha Waves, (9 to 14 cycles per second) This is a slower rate than the beta, and would be experienced while relaxing after an activity, and is considered to be a state of creativity and relaxation. 3/Theta Waves, (4 to 8 cycles per second) These are experienced during meditative states and dreaming, and would be considered to be associated with calmness and serenity. 4/Delta Waves, (1 to 4 cycles per second) This is considered to be the slowest rate and would be experienced in our deepest subconscious. This would be experienced while in a detached state of awareness or sleep or while under very deep hypnosis. Franz Anton Mesmer (from which the term mesmerise was derived) was born in Germany in 1734, and was the Grandfather of Hypnosis. Although Mesmer studied law and medicine, he had a passion and a belief in alternative therapies and medicine. After a  lifetime of investigation and work, Mesmer died in 1815; however he left a legacy of intrigue and an army of followers and believers. One of these being the Marquis de Puysegur. De Puysegur joined a group called â€Å"The Society of Universal Harmony† originally run by Mesmer. After a succession of patients, De Puygesur found that the patients, while seemingly asleep, were able to talk and answer questions, while in the hypnotic state. De Puygesur believed that hypnosis was the result of a psychological force rather than a physical one, which was argued, debated but then accepted by followers. Dr James Braid from Manchester gave light to the term â€Å"hypnosis†. Braid was originally against mesmerising, but eventually gained an interest, and began his own study. Braid concluded that any cures were as a result of suggestion through hypnosis. Braid continued his study and developed a technique called â€Å"eye fixation†. The state which eye fixation resulted in was Braids idea of hypnosis. Dr John Elliotson was the first person to demonstrate the use of hypnosis during surgery. Elliotson cured a dumb epileptic patient if front of an audience of medics. Elliotson also used hypnosis in surgical procedures, however died in 1868 after much controversy. Sigmund Freud went on to support the idea of hypnosis, and would often give talks to the medical fraternity. Although Freud was not considered to be a great hypnotist, he continued to use hypnosis in his work, but by the mid 1890’s Freud had all but given up on hypnosis. Modern hypnosis began with the birth of Milton Erickson (1901), who pioneered his work in â€Å"indirect suggestion†. Erickson is considered by many to be the pioneer of modern hypnosis. After suffering with a series of terrible illnesses, Erickson dedicated his life to understanding the unconscious mind. Erickson believed that â€Å"the unconscious mind is always listening† and it did not appear to matter whether the patient was in a trance or not. Erickson believed that â€Å"suggestion† would have the desired effect on the mind, as long as it found some resonance at the unconscious level. As stated earlier, stage hypnosis plays a very small role within the field of hypnosis. There is a much greater importance for hypnosis, for example; hypnotherapy is now a widely accepted form of alternative treatment, and is accepted as such by professionals in the medical field. There are some conflicting and confusing perceptions of hypnosis. Many people believe that the hypnotist simply places a person into a form of hypnotic trance, where  the person has no control of their own actions and t hought’s; this however is not necessarily the case. John F Kihlstrom (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) stated â€Å"The hypnotist does not hypnotize the individual. Rather, the hypnotist serves as sort of a coach or tutor, whose job it is to help the individual become hypnotized†. The experience of hypnosis can vary greatly from one individual to another. Some people under the influence of hypnosis report a feeling of detachment and extreme relaxation. Others state that their actions occur outside of their conscious state of mind, and others may be able to feel conscious, and are able to hold a conversation while under hypnosis. There have been many experiments undertaken using people under hypnosis, which have given credence to the subject. In one such experiment by Ernest Hilgard, (American psychologist and professor (1904 to 2001) famous for his research on hypnosis, particularly within the field of pain control) an individual under hypnosis was instructed not to feel any pain in their arm. The individuals arm was then placed into iced water, while the individuals who were not under hypnosis had to remove their arms from the water within seconds, the hypnotized individuals were able to leave their arms in the iced water for several minutes without feeling any pain. There are many examples where, illnesses and medical conditions, both physical and emotional, have been cured or greatly reduced in severity, for example; Rheumatoid Arthritis, dementia, ADHD, pain relief during surgical procedures, and pain during child birth. There are known situations where individuals have undergone major surgical procedures, without any form of anaesthetic, and have experienced no pain or discomfort, such is the power of hypnosis. There is a common belief that some people simply cannot be hypnotised, however much research shows that many more people are hypnotizable than they believe. In studies and surveys, it has been shown that as little as ten per cent of all adults are considered either difficult or impossible to hypnotise. It also shows that children are more susceptible to hypnosis, and that people who are seen to be fantasists are also more responsive to hypnosis. To be successfully hypnotized, it is very important to enter with an open and clear mind, and to view hypnosis as a positive experience. In modern society, hypnosis is used very commonly as an alternative aid within areas such as; weight loss, the cessation of smoking, drug and alcohol addiction (reduction in use), fears and phobias. People who  may have a fear of flying or of spiders for example, have been known to be completely cured of their fear, allowing them to lead a more fulfilling and less stressful life. There also many myths with hypnosis, the obvious one being that the hypnotized individual does not remember anything of their hypnotic state once they are awake. Amnesia has been known to occur, however this is extremely rare. It is however known that hypnosis can affect an individual’s memory. â€Å"Posthypnotic amnesia† can lead to a person forgetting some of the things which occurred during hypnosis, however the effect is quite temporary, and limited in terms of information forgotten. It is also a myth that an individual can be hypnotized against their own will. A person must be willing and happy to participate in order to be hypnotized. This is the same for people who believe they have no control over their own actions while under hypnosis. It is not possible for a hypnotist to force or influence a person into behaving in a manner which goes against their own morals and standards. Hypnosis is able to assist in a person making positive changes, however it is not able to change physical strength or enhance athleticism. Hypnosis should be seen as an additional and supportive aid to other forms of medicines and therapies, rather than a stand-alone discipline. Conclusion/summary; Hypnosis continues to intrigue and be a cause of debate for professionals and individuals alike, however, what cannot be disputed is its place within entertainment, but more importantly, its relevance within the medical field and as an alternative therapy. Hypnotherapy is now a widely accepted form of alternative therapy, practised by surgeons, physicians and independent private therapists. Although hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not considered as a replacement for medical treatments or medications, they are seen as an extremely useful addition and enhancement to these. Hypnosis has proven to be a positive life changing experience for many people, where other methods, and in some cases medicines have failed. It is evidenced that individuals have greatly reduced their weight from life threatening obesity, and have been able to successfully cease using harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco and other forms of drugs. The fundamentals of hypnosis and its basic principal’s remain unaltered for hundreds, possibly even thousands of  years, however research and investigations by many great psychologists, has allowed a much greater understanding of this important and at times vital discipline. From the ancient Egyptians to modern day man/woman, hypnosis continues be an extremely effective alternative, within the field of physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing, and has also allowed a greater understanding of the workings of the human subconscious. Bibliography Course hand-outs/notes Hypnosis:- A Brief History. Chrysalis Psychotherapeutic Counselling-Year 1-Module 1. 1-1 07/2010 SC. Page 6. Hypnosis:- A Brief History. Chrysalis Psychotherapeutic Counselling-Year 1-Module 1. 1-1 07/2010 SC. Page 10. Hypnosis:- A Brief History. Chrysalis Psychotherapeutic Counselling-Year 1-Module 1. 1-1 07/2010 SC. Page 7. Internet Psychology. What is hypnosis.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflection on Social Work Group Task

Reflection on Social Work Group Task This essay is going to reflect on learning gained from a group task carried out in the unit lectures. I will explore group work theories, collaborative and inter-disciplinary working and the application of these theories in relation to the group work. I will also identify how I will develop my practice in relation to my current skills and areas for development. Finally, I will also reflect on how I have developed my self-awareness, professional values and professional development, in relation to group work task and how this will inform my future professional practice. Toseland and Rivas (2008) define group work as a goal directed activity aimed at accomplishing tasks. Members of the group have the opportunity to share ideas, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, engage in interactions and also share experiences. The group members develop feelings of mutual interdependence and a sense of belonging. Martin and Rogers (2004) define inter-disciplinary working as a team of individuals with different professions, working collaboratively with a shared understanding of goals, tasks and responsibilities. This collaborative working is needed when the problems are complex, a consensus decision is required and also when different competencies are needed. According to Cheminais (2009), the approach to the collaborative working requires clarity on roles, power, accountability and strategic planning. This was evident during the group work as the group worked collaboratively to share ideas and tasks were allocated to each member according to competencies and mutual understanding. Salas et al. (2012) states that, group work started from the perspective of people working in partnership for a common goal. The theories of group work later materialised in regard to the dynamics of group work and the they provide an understanding of human behaviour when people are working in groups. A group or team can be understood by looking at Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model of group formation which comprise of forming, storming, norming, performing and later adjourning. According to Tuckman and Jensen (1977), the forming stage is when the group members are establishing common interests and get to know one another with the desire to be part of the group. Martin and Rogers (2004) states that, in an inter-disciplinary team this is the stage where membership is established, team purpose is clarified, roles and boundaries are decided and interpersonal relationships begin. Tuchman and Jensen (1977) state that, storming stage may involve competing for ideas and perspectives, rules are developed and members may confront one another. Conflict may emerge and when unresolved, it can inhibit the team’s progress. There is then the norming stage when members take roles and responsibilities and an agenda is established. This stage involves belonging, growth and control. The performing stage is when the group is functional and tasks are implemented and evaluated. Finally, the adjourning stage involves the goals and objectives fulfilled and task completed. Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model of group formation can be applied to different settings and groups and it is easy to use. The model is flexible and can be applied regardless of type of group or task. However the model has no clear demarcation of the stages and is a linear format although the first four stages may not be in sequence. It does not explain time spent in each stage or if the stage can be repeated as some of the stages can recur for example norming and perfoming stages. (Halverson 2008) Reflecting on the unit group task, I think my group went through Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model group formation which included the â€Å"forming†stage in which the group purpose was clarified. The group went through the â€Å"stormimg† stage and at that point, there were disagreements on what should be included and how the task will be presented. I was in favour for a presentation using Power Point, however the majority of the group voted for a role play which I thought was not going to address all the information due to time allocated for the group to present. I was also a bit anxious for failing the task as the group had elected me to take the lead on the role play. At that time I felt that the team wanted me to do most of the task and I rejected the ideas they were putting forward. I think I did this unconsciously because I realised my actions later on when my group members gave feedback. Belbin’s (2010) work identified roles in teams which each offer positive contributions to team working. The roles include co-ordinator, evaluator, maintainer, innovator, shaper, implementer, expert, investigator, team and completer, Reflecting on Belbin’s (2010) group roles, each team member brought strength and perspectives grounded in their discipline and experience. During the group work task, I had the experience and knowledge in relation to the task and I found myself leading the group on sourcing information. I got positive feedback from my group colleagues such as, â€Å"goal oriented, researched well on the topic, contributed well and very good ideas on the role play†, however I was criticised of being inflexible with ideas of others. The feedback brought awareness on how I work with others and will help me in my practice. I think I took the role of an implementer who turns the team concepts into practical actions and plans however, inflexible and somewhat reluctant to change. However reflecting on my experience from my previous placement when I was working on a project to enable young mothers to gain independent skills, the project failed because I lost interest as a result of constraint in obtaining the resources. I think at that time I took the role of an investigator. In Belbin’s (2010) model, an investigator explores opportunities and resources from many sources however can jump from one task to another and lose interest. Looking back at it, I think this was because I tend to do things in a structured way and task oriented. The resources in the organisations did not allow me to do the task in time and I end up losing interest. I think in future I need to be flexible and think of other ways of working around the plan for the benefit of the service users. I should also seek supervision with my manager to discuss such situations as it can provide best possible support. I later understood the situation of working in an organisation team by looking at the group system theory. According to Connors and Caple (2005), group systems theory provides an understanding of working with teams or groups in an organisation. They suggested that, group systems theory is influenced by the interactions within the group and by the external environment. All the group members influence group dynamics however, the organisation in which the group work may impacts the group work with its boundaries, resources and leadership structures. I abandoned a project which was going to benefit the young mothers and in a way the community as well. Although this was due to organisational constraints, as a future social worker, I should try to balance responsibilities in a way that supports well-informed decision making, using professional judgement and accountability (British Association of Social Workers 2012). Salas et a.l (2012) state that, in order for me to be grounded in theories of group work, I need to formulate theoretical frameworks that are in alignment with my perspectives and inclinations. To achieve this I need to have knowledge of the strength and weaknesses of the frameworks I use. This will help me to select theories that are appropriate to the situation. The Health and Care Professions Council (HPCP) (2012) also states that, I should â€Å"understand the key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to social work† so as to achieve change and development. Gilley et al. (2010) suggested that the purpose of a group is to accomplish the task and for the practitioner to develop effective interpersonal skills. As a social work student, in order to work collaboratively, I need to develop skills and knowledge in decision making, effective communication and task coordination and the ability to learn from others and embrace change (DAmour et al 2005). This is imperative as I will be working in teams with other professionals or agencies. From the unit group work, I have learnt that mutual understanding and collaboration is vital for teamwork to be effective. Teamwork requires respecting each other’s values, beliefs and viewpoints and also self awareness of my own beliefs, values and perspectives (Hall 2005). I also now have an understanding of the importance of effective communication, participative decision making and accepting ideas of other when working in a team. The group work enabled me to develop skills in sharing of ideas and also how to relay and support my own viewpoint with confidence. According to Crawford (2012), I must have an understanding of my own professional identity as a social worker so as to develop confidence in myself and work with other professionals effectively. The HCPC (2012) states that, I must â€Å"be able to engage in inter-professional and inter-agency communication† and work in partnership with other agencies as part of a multi-disciplinary team. It is also vital that I develop self awareness of my behaviour and values. According to Hall (2005), as values are internalised, they can be invisible to other team members thereby creating obstacles in inter-professional working. As a result, I must make my professional values clear to other professionals I work with and also have an understanding of their values. The College of Social Work (2014) states that, as a social worker, I need to develop skills, competencies and the ability to recognise the challenges and dynamics of team-working and also have an awareness of team cultures so as to be able to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team. The group work task and the feedback I received from my colleagues enabled me to develop awareness on how I work with others and I also managed to learn about my strengths and weaknesses. For example taking the role of an implementer I was able to execute a plan however resistant to change. I have also learnt that I need to acknowledge and appreciate the differences and adjust, adapt, and mirror interpersonal interactions when interacting with others. In future, I need to take into consideration other people’s ideas as there are different approaches to tasks and also appreciate other people’s experiences and values especially when working with professional of different background as mine. References The College of Social Work (2014) Roles and functions of social workers in England DAmour, D, Ferrada-Videla, M, Rodriguez, L, Beaulieu, M 2005, The conceptual basis for interprofessional collaboration: core concepts and theoretical frameworks,Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 19, pp. 116-131, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 August 2014.[emailprotected]hid=102 Claire B. Halverson, S. Aqeel Tirmizi Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice: theory and practice British Association of Social Workers (2012) The Code of Ethics for Social Work :Statement of Principles

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hosea Essay -- essays research papers

Hosea THEME: There is nothing we can do which will separate us from God's compassion and love I certify that I am the author of this work and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged. PART I   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book Hosea was written between 790 and 710 BC by the prophet Hosea. The story is about the relationship between Hosea and his wife, Gomer, and how their lives parallel that of the northern kingdom of Israel. There are several themes in the book of Hosea and I will discuss what I think to be the main one, â€Å" there is absolutely nothing we can do which will separate us from God's love and compassion†. While the northern kingdom prospers monetarily its morals and spiritual condition is sacrificed. The peoples of the northern kingdom have fallen from God's grace due to their worship of God's other than the one true God. The following text describes my opinions, others opinions, and my observations of the book Hosea.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book begins with God telling Hosea to marry an adulterous wife . He does this to show the relationship of the Israelites adultery to God by worshipping idols and other God's. Hosea marries Gomer and they have a son. God informs Hosea to name the child Jezreel because he is going to punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel. Later they have a daughter and God tells Hosea to name her Lo-Ruhama which means, not loved, in Hebrew. Once again Hosea and Gomer have a son that God tells Hosea to name Lo-Ammi which means, not my people, in Hebrew. Chapter one ends with God describing how the two nations, Israel and Judah, be reunited under one appointed leader and one God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chapter two describes God's feelings towards the nation Israel. He does this by comparing the nation Israel to Hosea's household. He describes how Hosea's wife has been unfaithful to her husband as the nation Israel has been unfaithful to God. He further goes on to describe his plans for the nation Israel and how he is going to let Israel search for Him, through other God's, and the obstacles he'll place in their path to hinder their search. God also declares he will punish the Israelites for forgetting about their one true God. God ends the narration by telling of the restoration of Israel to his favor and the many benefits that will fall upon the nation Israel... ...s is the first chapter of the Bible (Old and New Testament) that I've studied this thoroughly and I can also say this will not be the last. I came into this course thinking it was just a requirement for me to receive my degree and I'll leave it with the knowledge that I've received more than just three credit hours. References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rainbow Studies, Inc. (1992). The new international version rainbow study bible (4th ed.). El Reno, Oklahoma: Author   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scott, Jack B. (1971). The book of hosea: a study manual (2nd Printing). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tullock, John H. (1981).The old testament story (3rd ed.). Englewoods Cliff, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, inc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Southwestern Journal of Theology (Fall 1975). Studies in hosea (No. 1). Fort Worth, Texas: Faculty of the School of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wood, Fred M. (1975). Hosea: prophet of reconciliation. Nashville, Tennessee: Convention Press.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Random House Webster's College Dictionary (1991). New York, Random House Inc.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ethical Issues in e-Commerce Essay -- Business Ethics

Introduction The Internet has received a great deal of attention in the media lately due to its tremendous growth in usage by both consumers and businesses. The unique capabilities of the Internet has captured the attention of the marketing community. While a growing number of companies have or are interested in developing an Internet presence, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about it and the potential ethical issues associated with its use as a marketing medium. Although many businesses are acknowledging the importance of a Web site, but the potential ethical issues related to marketing on the Internet still having an uncertainty in this situation. Much less attention has been given to the business community's perceptions of the ethicalness of this new medium. The unique interactivity of the Internet has captured the marketing community's interest as a way to develop and enhance customer relationships and establish greater brand identity. Thus, many commercial services have become available on the Internet that allow consumers and organizations to interact electronically. Thes e services include booking airline tickets online, buying books and compact discs, and receiving stock market information. Although the number of consumer users and commercial organizations navigating on this "information superhighway" is growing almost exponentially, the benefits of the Internet are not without drawbacks. Ethical Issues Privacy Privacy is the condition where someone personal information can not be documented and be used by others (Parent, 1983). Privacy has been and continues to be a significant issue of concern for both current and prospective electronic commerce customers. The foll... ...try to ensure Internet security. More practically, marketers must try to target consumer groups more accurately. Minimizing unwanted consumer contacts may reduce the intensity and visibility of some dimensions of privacy issues. Last, marketing researchers must attempt to define privacy operationally. Much has been said and written about consumer privacy, but we still have little understanding of what information consumers consider private, why they consider it private, and whether this set of information changes situationally or in response to other factors. Works Cited Stead, B. A., & Gilbert, J. (2001). Ethical issues in electronic commerce. Journal of Business Ethics, 34, 75-85. Foxman, E. R., & Kilcoyne, P. (n.d.). Information technology, marketing practice, and consumer privacy: ethical issues. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 12(1), 106-119.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Future Of Computer Crime In America :: essays research papers

The Future of Computer Crime in America The proliferation of home computers, and of home computers equipped with modems, has brought about a major transformation in the way American society communicates, interacts, and receives information. All of these changes being popularized by the media and the wide increased personal and private sector use of the Internet. All of these factors plus the fact of more and more business and government institutions are jumping to make the use of these services has put a much wider range of information at the finger tips of those, often select and few individuals whom know how to access, understand and use these information sources. Often times today this information is of a very sensitive and private nature on anything from IRS Tax returns, to Top Secret NASA payload launch information. Piled on top of that many times the individuals accessing these information sources are doing so by illegal means and are often motivated by deviant and illegal means. It is said that at any given time the average American has his name on an active file in over 550 computer information databases of which nearly 90% are online, and of the 550 databases the number comes no where close to how many time your personal information is listed in some database in an unactive file. The "Average American" could simply sit in his/her home doing nearly nothing all day long and still have his/her name go through over 1,000 computers a day. All of these vast information files all hold the crucial ones and zero's of data that make up your life as you and all others know it. All of these data bits, at the hands 100,000's of people. With little or NO central control or regulatory agency to oversee the safe handling of your precious little ones and zero's of information. As it would seem Arson Wells was little late with his title of "1984" . "BIG BROTHER" is INDEED WATCHING, US ALL and as it would seem our BIG BROTHER is alot bigger then Mr. Wells could have ever imagined. And that our BIG BROTHER is EVERYWHERE! The 100,000's of people that do have this information make up our modern BIG BROTHER in the form of government institutions to private advertising companies, these people are all the "trusted" ones who use our information everyday for legal and useful purposes but what about the others who use their skills and and knowledge to gain their "own" personal and illegal access to these vast depositories of information? These individuals popularized and demonized by the media are often referred to

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mergers and Acquisition Essay

Why are there mergers and acquisitions? Mergers and acquisitions take place for a number of reasons, such as refinancing for a better price, amplifying expansion, and submerging risk through diversification. New entities may drag behind after a merger takes place due to the higher cost of matching different and unconnected economic activities. Diversification by business groups may also reduce technical effectiveness. When a merger takes place, a bigger business groups emerges from the two which usually will have more economic and political influence In this paper, we will assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms, including sensible† and dubious reasons for, and benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions. We will also be sure to examine the financial risks of merging with or acquiring an organization in another country and how those risks could be mitigated. First we will we will assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms while also touching on the benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions. Who gains from mergers? Typically, the selling firm tends to be impacted favorably by the merge and/or acquisition rather than the firm acquiring the selling firm. Studies demonstrate that most of the benefits from mergers and acquisitions were earned by the selling firm, not the acquiring company. For example, recent research found that holders in the acquiring firm earned an estimated 4% return on their investment with the completed acquisition in contrast to the holders of the target firm whom typically received a 30% return on their investment. So, to imply that mergers and acquisitions do not create benefits would not be correct because the acquiring firms are paying too much money for their acquisitions. There are many sensible and dubious reasons for mergers and acquisitions. Many times the reason for acquisitions is for expansion. Expansion that is not limited by internal resources means there is no reduction of working capital which crates many benefits such as; stocks can be exchanged faster, assets can be purchased more quickly rather than building, better technology can be gained as well as resources and skills, and the tax benefits can sometimes give the new company better operating leverage in their particular market. Smaller firms will usually always gain from merging with larger firms because larger firms have better equipment, resources, and technology. The aforementioned reasons make the merged firms more effective in daily operations, which in turn, make the merged firms more alluring to their current and potential clients. Mergers and acquisitions also help reduce the merged firm’s risk by diffusing their debt and risk among the various companies with the firm. Oftentimes firms will merge in order to gain a larger market share within their perspective fields. For example, AT&T recently merged with Cingular Wireless to become the nation’s largest telephone network and gain the highest market share of customers in telecommunications, thus trying to eliminate competition. Now, we will discuss the financial risks of merging with or acquiring companies in another country. There are many financial risks of merging or acquiring companies in another country. One, oftentimes there are culture clashes between the foreign firm and the home firm. These cultural clashes sometimes lead to losing valuable managers and workers to other firms because they do not desire to live in another country. Two, there may be a conflict of intentions in two different countries which could spell disaster for all firms involved. Other financial risks can include; foreign exchange rates, lawyer, banker, and brokers fees. Firms must know foreign banking and business laws such as the proper filings they must report with the SEC and foreign officials. Many consideration must be taken when considering merging /and or acquiring a foreign firm. In this paper, we assessed the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms which we found to be more beneficial to the smaller of the merging firms due to their gaining of better equipment and resources. We found that there are indeed many sensible and dubious reasons for, and benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions which include risk diversification among the merged firms. We examined the financial risks of merging with or acquiring an organization in another country and conclude that mitigation can be done by ensuring that the proper laws and culture differences are overcome before merging. References Brealey, R., Myers, S., Marcus, A. (2004). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Chapter 22: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Control. Retrieved from the internet on April 22, 2007 from Retrieved from the internet on April 22, 2007 from – 36k –

Good managers are born or made Essay

It is quite clear that effective management is a crucial part of any business’ organisational strategy and effective managers are the ones create an effective management system. The argument about â€Å"good managers are made or born† is continuing for decades since and the role of managers is concerned. But the idea is changing through time. Nowadays, technology and management skills have continued to develop; managers are required to be consistently followed up and updated themselves to fit in. With this perspective, I strongly believe that managers are well-trained through experience and training processes to really become â€Å"good† ones. That is why organisations spend millions of dollar on leadership training processes to create a good management system for their business. The purpose of this report is to support the idea that â€Å"good managers are made†, sale manager in here is used as a model to support my argument. Read more:  The person you admire essay To discuss further more about â€Å"born† or â€Å"made†, we should have a brief idea what are characteristics of a good manager. There are two points of view about an effective sale manager’s characteristics, one is from sale managers and one is from sale representatives. In a research of Deeter-Schmelz, Goebel, and Kennedy (2008), they found that nine over eleven attributes of an effective manager are agreed by both points of view: communication and listening skills, human relations skills, organisation and time management skills, knowledge possession, coaching skills, motivational skills, honest and ethical tendencies, selling skills, leadership skills, willingness to empower, and adaptability (Deeter-Schmelz, Goebel, and Kennedy, 2008). Those skills listed above are all required an amount of time to learn, to train and to adapt them. Good managers are not born with all those characteristics, they are the one who are able to improve themselves, who are able to change every day to â€Å"make† themselves better and better. It is suggested that managers should have their own training programs to really learning and developing their own skills (Vazzana and Jordan, 2012). For a long time, organisations only focus on training the front line employees and ignore managers’ learning processes. Managers have been through a lot of trainings of their team members but themselves are suffering on correcting and learning skills of a true leader (Vazzana and Jordan, 2012). That is why from managers’ perspective they believe that they are more participating in  front line staff’s activities rather than being supportive as their members need them to be (Deeter-Schmelz, Goebel, and Kennedy, 2008). So why do we waste all the time and money to find new managers when we can train them to be more effective and more supportive. There are specific skills that different levels of managers have to learn. As lower-level managers, there should be more training programs about company knowledge, company policies or time management, etc. (Deeter-Schmelz, Goebel, and Kennedy, 2008). That is not enough for a manager, coaching and mentoring are also very imp ortant part to put in training programs. But they are less effective when managers are to learn in an inactive way, in which they listen and remember, not actually acting it. So another useful way is discovered. Higher-level managers will share experiences and train the newer to develop skills. Managers will help their colleagues to improve and become better. With these interactions every day, every week, managers can see, learn and practice at the same time (Manikutty, 2005). This is a very effective way because those people interacts closely at work and they all have experience, it will enhance managers’ knowledge and skills quickly, and also enhance relationship among organisation. After learning all the values of the organisation and starting to adopt all the skills, managers can come to a higher position and learning more skills. In an organisation, there will be a higher-level leader/ manager that you admire and believe. That person will be the one who create a powerful atmosphere to people around them and also a very strong relief. That â€Å"charisma† mentioned above is very important for characteristics of a manager/ leader in the head office of an organisation. M. Ale xander Kuhn (2012) believed that â€Å"charisma was not a gift or innate ability, but a skill to be developed and refined as part of a leader’s repertoire†. Charismatic leaders are different from others in three areas. The first are is articulation. A great manager has to have a clear, understandable and powerful statement come together with a leader’s tone. Second is branding. Standing in the head office of an organisation, a high level manager has to create their own real reputation such as healthy lifestyle, consistent working attitude, etc. This will support manager’s statement to be more powerful and realistic that makes his staff to listen. Third area is affection. If a person is not really sure about what he believes, he cannot persuade other people to believe it like him. So a  charismatic leader really has a strong belief in the organisation’s value, in the direction that they make up to encourage their staff working hard toward it. It is also about caring others’ opinions. A manager affects his employee but there will be the time that he stops and listening to others’ perspective. Balance between that will lead to a successful way of management (Kuhn, 2012). A very practical example is Disney. In 2011, Walt Disney was ranked by CNN Money as the third most admired company in the world for people management. It is quite clear that the organisation had created a great base of effective managers to achieve that. The leaders must encourage their cast members (staff) to connect emotionally with customers whether they are on stage or back stage. Former Walt Disney CEO, Michael Eisner say that Walt Disney World is driven by an â€Å"emotional engine† rather than an â€Å"economic engine†. The current CEO, Bob Iger shared his opinion about being a leader â€Å"You’ve got to be an optimist. You can’t be a pessimist. When you come to work, you’ve got to show enthusiasm and spirit. You can’t let people see you brought down by the experience of failure. You don’t have that luxury. I believe in taking big risks creatively. If you fail, don’t do it with mediocrity—do it with something that was truly original, truly a risk†. All the methodology that are listed above is to gradually create a â€Å"good† manager. A normal person still can become a manager but to become a â€Å"good† one, he needs to put a lot of effort to study and to learn day by day. Organisations nowadays spend a lot of money on developing programs for managers to help them improve their skills. That is why I strongly believe that good managers are made. They are made from their effort of learning effectively. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ignatius, A & Iger, RA 2011, ‘Technology, tradition and the Mouse’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 89, no. 7, pp. 112-117. Deeter-Schmelz, Goebel, Kennedy, 2008, ‘what are the characteristics of an effective sales manager? An exploratory study comparing salesperson and sales manager perspectives’, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol.28, Issue 1, pp. 7-20. Vazzana, Jordan, Jun2012, ‘your guide to developing sales managers: how to effectively maximise neglected talent’, Vol. 66, Issue 6, p34-43. Manikutty, 2005, ‘manager as a trainer, a coach and a mentor’, vol.30, issue 2, p57-64. Kuhn, 2012, ‘charismatic leaders’, vol.29, issue7, p20-20.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Environmental Science I Syllabus

Respect the learning and safety of others: Be punctual. Be safe. Be thoughtful. Exploration of science through trial and error and testing hypotheses will be fostered in this class, so an environment of respect and safety is key. Treat others the way you want to be treated, with thoughtfulness and courtesy. Be prompt: early or on time. No one's time is more important that the next person. We must use the time we have to learn together wisely. Respect every member of the classroom's personal space, belongings, and ideas. All students are to take care of the materials and lab environment created in our class.Leave it as it was when you got there or in better condition. Derogatory comments (including profanity) will not be tolerated. Science is learned through experiment, so you will be taught and tested over the safety of our science lab space, to ensure safety. You are expected to follow these science lab procedures and policies. O Note: Due to safety considerations, all bags and belo ngings will be placed in the teacher-designated area. This will be strictly enforced for our safety. 2. Strive for excellence each day. Be prepared. Be engaged. Be responsible. Do your best! Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. † Vince Lombardi Everyone must be prepared, so we do not waste time. Have your all your materials for class with you in your seat when the bell rings. Actively participate and engage in class activities and discussions. Always do your best work. I expect quality in every assignment, no matter how small or large. Students are responsible for assignment due dates, Late Work Policy, and Make-up Work Policy on next page. Students are expected to follow all Little Rock School District policies, which are See Ms.Thompson Rituals and Procedures document for specific daily classroom rituals. Consequences for Poor Decisions: All decisions in life have equal consequences. Below are the disciplinary steps taken if you c hoose to not follow the classroom expectations, rituals, and procedures. 1. Verbal Warning 2. Parent Phone Call 3. Referral to Assistant Principal 4. Referral with SIS Recommendation 5. Referral with ZOOS Recommendation & Parent Conference The teacher reserves the right to send any student out of the classroom or to the office on referral for extremely disruptive, inappropriate, or severe behavior.Under no circumstance should the teacher have to ask a student to leave the classroom more than once. Absences and Make-up Work: All absent students will be allowed to make up work. This is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. The student is responsible for work assigned prior to his or her absence. Announced deadlines for long-term assignments, projects, and/or research papers must be honored regardless of attendance. Family emergencies are the only exception to this rule. Tests must be made up the day of your return to lass. See the USSR regarding this policy.Students will need to retrieve their make- up work from a responsible classmate and our online Gaggle classroom where all assignments and notes are posted. Late Work: Any minor assignment can be turned in within one day of the original due date for half credit. It will not be accepted after that time. You are expected to meet all class deadlines. Students must sign the â€Å"Late Work† log if they fail to meet the announced deadline. Food and Drink: Students are allowed to have drinks with lids. However, this is a privilege that will be lab days. Communication and Extra Help:I want you to succeed, and I believe that you can. If you ever meet an obstacle on your path to success, please feel free to visit for extra help in the morning before school or after school. I am always available by email (Meghan. [email  protected] Org) to assist you or your parents however I can. Please do not wait until the end of the nine weeks to seek help if you are having trouble. This will be too late to ge t you back on track to succeed. Deadline is a great way for both your family and you to keep up with your grades, use it frequently. Let's work together to make it the best year we can!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

H&M: Target Costing and Business Model Essay

In the world globalization competitive increasingly environment, how is H&M’s business model maintain and enhance the competitiveness of high-speed growth? With the research of target costing and business model of system innovation theory, you can understand the H&M’s successful business. And you can understand to make much more profit by controlling target costing. Password 1: Accurately grasp and dig into the demand of the client value. Customer, this is undoubtedly the center of the whole enterprise. Philip Kotler , who from American Marketing From think solving the problem in accordance with the conventional innovation of logic in such a competitive market is no longer applicable. But creative thinking that is based on customers showing growing charm. It is by the original alternative concept and product development to stimulate new markets and profit growth. Obviously, H&M is the master of â€Å"creative thinking† to customer demand, H&M noted that almost every shopper likes fashionable design and image of luxury clothes. But the vast majority of people have to wait until the clearance sale. Why cannot meet the customers demand of famous brand fashion design and cheap parity? According to the survey of professional organizations Verdict Research, the average price of clothing in 1995 fell 34%. But in the same period the number of women buying clothes has doubled. This suggests that consumers pay more attention to the fashion style. They buy more clothes, but wearing the times less. Meanwhile, the current consumer market is showing to the two extreme diversion state of â€Å"luxury† and â€Å"save money. In the â€Å"luxury† mode, consumers buy product and service of high quality, reflecting the personality characteristics and meeting the emotional needs at any cost. In the â€Å"save money† mode, consumers try their best to find low-cost but high-quality goods. These â€Å"contradictions† demand implies the desire of consumers for affordable fashion. H&M Fashion Group, which is to see the change of social structure and consumers, seeking to find crack password equilibrium point, creating a cheap fashion clothing brand positioning. It use the combination of its use of changing fashion and luxury quality and public evaluation to realize trafficking â€Å"fashion† like McDonald’s selling hamburgers.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global Term Paper

Identify the major trends that have influenced world trade and global marketing - Term Paper Example Many countries have opened up their economies as part of Free Trade and is having an impact on the global economy. The main strength of Free Trade is that, it puts forward the notion that minimalistic state role or intervention resulted in better economy and importantly better society. Free trade proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong private property rights, free markets, and importantly free trade (Harvey 2). From earlier times, many Third World countries including Asian and African countries only indulged in agriculture for their livelihood. However, globalization and the opening up their markets as Free Trade regimes, these countries and their governments started to focus on industrial development, by improving their own industries and importantly by facilitating entry of foreign companies. They enticed the foreign companies with a slew of beneficial financial and social schemes. Foreign firms for their part optimally invested tapping the existing cheap labor and other resources, thereby garnering for themselves good profits. Importantly, a sizeable portion of good profits reached the local employees, thereby improving their economic standing and also optimizing country’s economy. Apart from this major trend of globalization, another major trend that is influencing global marketing is the concept of green marketing. Marketing’s traditional axiom so far has been â€Å"give customers what they want† and â€Å"sell as much as you can† (Ottman, Stafford and Hartman 2006). However, in today’s business environment, sustainability is the key word with natural environment given clear importance along with the business motives. Another trend is that of consumer knowledge increase with regards to impact of products and processes on their

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The performance of the Uk retail sector during the global financial Dissertation

The performance of the Uk retail sector during the global financial crisis - Dissertation Example In the result, the UK government (HM Treasury, pp. 23-25, 2009) has been putting huge amount of efforts to avoid slowing down of retail sector’s performance as it would have easily resulted in adverse impact on the GDP. One of the indicators of major participation of UK’s retail sector is its fourth ranking in the global trade market despite only having 1% of the global population (HM Treasury, pp. 59-63, 2010). This shows that UK’s retail sector does have potential and government is taking every possible step to take care of it by even going for a high budget deficit. To create an understanding of UK’s retail sector, British Petroleum is a well-known entity of the same sector that comes second in European continent and is so far the largest industrial corporation of the country. Besides BP, UK’s retail sector is proud of its mechanical engineering and manufactured goods that have been contributing majorly in the UK’s export market (Hiles, pp . 39-46, 2010). Furthermore, services such as banking, brokerage, etc are few other constituents of UK’s retail sector that have enabled the United Kingdom to fulfill 10% of the global needs. In specific, performance of UK’s retail sector is playing a crucial role in strengthening economy of the country, and from this understanding, it has now become imperative to carry out research on the country’s retail sector that will be indicating efforts of the governments in midst of financial crises to save its retail sector (Kolb, pp. 44-49, 2010). Research Statement In this regard, the proposed research will focus on the following research statement: â€Å"To identify and analyse the performance of UK’s retail sector during the global financial crisis while scrutinising the efforts of UK’s government in brining positive alterations in the sector† Aims and Objectives It is an understanding that aims and objectives play the most crucial part in a re search process, as they enable the researcher in acquiring a constructive path during the process, and absence of which may result in unnecessary outcomes, as well as misuse of resources. From this understanding, the researcher has given significant importance in the proposed research and will be putting efforts to fulfill them in the most effective manner. Particularly, the researcher will be focusing primarily on the retail sector of the United Kingdom while endeavoring to identify different factors that are playing a critical role in determining performance of the sector that will enable the researcher in analysing the same factors during different periods. In specific, period of the global financial crisis is the focal point of the proposed research, and thus, researcher will be looking at performance of the UK’s retail sector during this specific period. However, to narrow down the research objectives in order to focus on the acquisition of concrete results, the research er will scrutinise efforts of the UK’s government that enabled the country’s retail sector to survive, and at the same, continue its progress significantly. In this regard, one of the major objectives of the proposed research is to recognise

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hyperinflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hyperinflation - Essay Example There is great debate regarding the growth of money supply as the cause of the inflation. According to the large section of the economists, there is a strong correlation between the inflation and growth in the money supply. In that case, hyperinflation can be considered as the ultimate case of the money supply growth over the intensification in the production of the domestic goods and services. The reason behind the excess growth of money supply is relatively higher spending of money by the government in comparison to the collection of the taxes and charges. It further leads to the printing of more money to bridge the gap between the expenditures and the revenues. This excess creation of the money by the government is the root of increment of the demand in the economy which directly enhances the price level. Besides that surplus money supply can generate demand for the imported products instead of having a constraint in the foreign currency supply. Eventually it results in depreciati ng the local currency (Web Archieve, â€Å"Hyperinflation: Causes, Cures†). It has already been discussed that the paper is focused on the economy of Zimbabwe. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the cause of hyperinflation in the nation and its effect will be demonstrated in the paper, but prior to that the global history of hyperinflation is exhibited below in a tabular format. In the above exhibited table the worst hyperinflations in the countries has been exhibited. Simultaneously, it also demonstrated a comparative analysis of the chosen country and the other countries in the world. Zimbabwe experienced hyperinflation for the first time in the 21st century. In this paper, it has been intended to produce the reliable record of the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, which has been considered as the second highest inflation in the world history and one of the worst economic conditions in the world. Zimbabwe contravened the hyperinflation benchmark first in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

History of US Army National Guard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

History of US Army National Guard - Essay Example In 1636 Massachusetts followed in the footsteps of Virginia and established laws for militia on 13th December at the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Dutch settlers in America also formed an organization on the similar lines as the English militia and named it the Burgher Guard. However, in 1653 the Dutch and the English engaged in a conflict over land. Such conflicts would arise time and again but in 1964 the British captured Amsterdam and the Burgher Guard surrendered and was then transformed to foot soldiers under the leadership of Captain Nicholas Bayard. The militia of each colony was responsible for its own funding and upkeep, thus the militia of each colony was vastly different from one another on basis of military equipments and substantial training. The militia assisted the Continental army during the Revolutionary wars and though it is believed that the militia had no crucial role in the winning strategy, it steadily gained importance. The Continental Congress passed its own f irst Militia Act on 18th July, 1775 while New York coded its own Provincial Militia Act on 22nd August, 1775. Federalists were of the opinion that instead of a militia regiment, fully trained and professional soldiers should be hired. But, no one paid attention to their arguments. In fact in 1776, New York’s militia was reorganized into two divisions. The first division included all the Manhattan (present New York) units while the Second division included the rest of the units. Again in 1789 the U.S constitution was signed and soon after in 1792 the U.S. Militia Act was passed. Both these steps proved that U.S supported the idea of including citizens in the military. Though such measures showed the firm belief that the Government had in the militia’s ability, but for some time the ability could not be tested because there was no such need. But, soon enough the militia got an opportunity to display its skills to safeguard the interests of the U.S. The British and the Fr ench were engaged in wars between themselves which interfered with the sea-trading rights of the U.S. The goods ship of several U.S. merchants were seized by the Europeans illegally At last the U.S congress had no other choice but to propose the Embargo Act in 1807 on the recommendation of President Thomas Jefferson which was finally passed as law on 22nd decenber,1907. On12th February, 1808, New York successfully passed the Act of Defense of the Northern and Western Frontiers, to protect its own interests. This increased hostility among the countries and in June, 1812. U.S declared war on Great Britain. This war, known as the War of 1812, continued for almost three years. However, here again the militia had no substantial role in the victory, because the militia was poorly funded and lacked good equipment and leadership. Yet, the U.S won because of the fact that Britain had no interests in the war and was fighting it almost for show. In fact all of Britain’s resources were e ngaged in war with France. Even after defeating France in the wars, Britain had no interests in the War of 1812 and again engaged herself with the colonization of the Eastern parts. The U.S had won the War but Britain did not acknowledge the defeat and offered peace to U.S on 11th February, 1815. The treaty of peace was signed on 20th